
Dear Students and Parents, There has been a bit of confusion regarding the address for the test, and I’d like to clear that up now. This is due to the fact that the address changed some years ago when they built the new rec center, and some of the links […]

June 7 Testing Location

Miss Jody Nelson is not what most people would think of as a typical black belt, she is quiet, kind and compassionate. Jody is an inspiration to many of us. She attends as many classes as possible, often traveling quite a distance. She is an instructor at our Clear Creek […]

Get to know Jody Nelson

Tae Kwon Do….A Martial Arts system of order and simplicity….. Class Procedures If you have anything that can be potentially passed to your classmates (cold, flu, warts etc), please refrain from coming to class and potentially infecting your fellow students and instructors. Upon entering the dojang (studio), students, whether in […]

Class Procedures