
It has been brought to our attention that Duncan Ziegler, was given the top honor at Green Mountain High School, the Top of the Mountain Award for the second time. Mr. Ziegler has continuously amazed those around him and we are extremely happy to have him as both a student […]

Congratulations Mr. Ziegler

You have been so generous the past couple of months, we hope we can count on you one more time. A family in need has come to our attention. They’ve lost almost everything in a house fire. We’re working on getting more details, but so far we know the mother […]

Family in Need

Many thanks to all of you that brought non perishable food items for our November food drive. We took 12 boxes of food to drop off last Saturday.  They say that with 6 items it feeds a family of 4..given that we fed around 400 to 500 people in need. […]

MAMA’s Generosity

December is Coats for Colorado month. Mr. Barrow is spearheading the collection of coats to donate to Coats for Colorado. Any coat you have outgrown or don’t wear anymore of any size will be taken. These coats go to needy families to help keep them warm during the winter months. […]

MAMA’s Coats

November is going to be a food drive month here at the Academy. Please bring non-perishable food items to class and you will receive a good luck Buddha from the Academy. Bring as much as you can to help those less fortunate than we are. The Academy will take the […]

Beans for a Buddha Month